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From YouTube: CF on K8s Working Group Call Recording 14th Dec 2022


[DW/KB] Add HorizonalPodAutoscalers to the Helm chart (based on the template generated by “helm create”)
Agreed to create a chore for this to be implemented for the API.
Controllers/Webhooks probably need more scaling/perf testing to make it worth investigating.
Webhooks might be interesting to do for High Availability but likely not necessary for performance reasons.
This doesn’t affect the image merging story as webhooks are already part of the same images as controllers, so we can postpone this decision.
[KB/DW] Add tests for the Helm chart
Conditional logic is starting to grow, might warrant testing those conditionals.
Agreed to do some focused testing on the conditional logic.
[GC] v0.5
App specific repository story should be wrapping up this week.
Will make a v0.5 release after that story is completed.