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From YouTube: Cloud Foundry on Kubernetes Working Group Forum Call Recording 11th Jan 2023


[GS] Almost ready to release v0.6.0
Breaking changes in helmchart
Replaceable networker
[GS] App revision
Kubernetes API conventions
generation: a sequence number representing a specific generation of the desired state. Set by the system and monotonically increasing, per-resource. May be compared, such as for RAW (read after write) and WAW (write after write) consistency.
[GS] Next EMEA epic
Labels/Annotations + things from the US TODO list in the github project
[Ram] I'd love to see some blog posts or live streams on Korifi soon now!
Need some comments around "6 months of Korifi" or "½ way to v1.0" or something like that.
Ram to start a doc with an outline/some prompts for us to pitch in async