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From YouTube: Why We Are Choosing Cloud Native Buildpacks at GitLab - Abubakar Siddiq, GitLab


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Why We Are Choosing Cloud Native Buildpacks at GitLab - Abubakar Siddiq, GitLab

GitLab provides a zero configuration build/test/deploy pipeline called "Auto DevOps" which relies on Herokuish for detecting how to build/test your source code into a runnable docker image. Currently, GitLab uses Herokuish to match projects with known languages and build them. The new tooling from CNB is capable of building smaller resultant images by separating the build layers from the runtime layers. In order to increase the speed and efficiency of GitLab's products, the Product team investigated the Cloud Native Buildpacks, which provide a cloud-native means of standardizing code detection and producing a standards-based container runtime. In this talk, learn about GitLab’s goals, plan, and how they made the decision to move forward based on the greatest benefit to GitLab from CNAB - the larger community fixing CNAB issues.