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From YouTube: Leading Architectural Change with Backstage - Andy Hoffman, Caribou


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Leading Architectural Change with Backstage - Andy Hoffman, Caribou

Yesterday you’re a scrappy startup; today you’re funded and have 12 months to 10x your team and system capacity. The platform, process and architecture doesn’t translate, “the database” is about to fall over, and dozens of new engineers are motivated to innovate in countless different directions, some more stable and secure than others. In this, or any time of change, how do you make sense of the chaos and stimulate the evolution of architecture, processes and platforms without crushing the startup spirit? Backstage, combined with a CNCF stack is a driver of platform scale, stability and governance while still encouraging freedom and innovation. In this session, you’ll hear lessons learned on a DevOps journey to recent unicorn status, with practical strategies for technical and leadership strategies for leading change through Backstage without bureaucracy, and running new services in prod in 5 minutes.