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From YouTube: Lightning Talk: Talking in Backstage: How to Navigate the Business and Engineer... Jorge Lainfiesta


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Lightning Talk: Talking in Backstage: How to Navigate the Business and Engineering Vocabulary - Jorge Lainfiesta, Roadie

Backstage aggregates more than technologies, services, and software components: it brings together cultures from different teams and countries. But the old adage says, naming is hard. It all came crashing down for me when a frequent Backstage contributor asked me “what is a Developer Portal.” Then as you zoom into the framework, you find types, kinds, labels, tags, processors, collators, and many other terms brought from different contexts. It can be daunting for frequent Backstage users to grasp its full potential—and express its business value—when just reading about it is exhausting, let alone for new users. In this talk, I’ll present three personas to dissect how we talk about Backstage. Then I’ll present a structured Backstage vocabulary drawn from my experience talking regularly with several adopters and contributors, all set in the wider Cloud Native context. By the end of this talk, attendees will feel more confident about talking about Backstage and will be eager to explore areas that seemingly cryptic terms kept them away from.