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From YouTube: The Future of Database Observability is Open: SQL Commenter Merges W... Jan Kleinert & Nimesh Bhagat


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The Future of Database Observability is Open: SQL Commenter Merges With OpenTelemetry- Jan Kleinert & Nimesh Bhagat, Google

Google is merging and donating SQL commenter to OpenTelemetry to create a vendor-neutral standard for database observability. Databases are at the heart of an enterprise’s application stack and data fabric. Database observability is important to every role in the organization: developers, DBAs, security engineers, data engineers, and SREs. Each of these roles use a variety of application and infrastructure monitoring tools that need access to database activity, so it's important that database telemetry is easily accessible and integrates seamlessly with your choice of tooling. OpenTelemetry makes it easy to create and collect telemetry data from services and software, then forward them to a variety of analysis tools. But OpenTelemetry today lacks a common standard by which application tags and traces can be sent to databases and correlated with application stack. Adding SQL commenter to OpenTelemetry will enable a rich ecosystem of APM tools to integrate with databases eliminating need to build custom integration for every database vendor. In this session, Jan and Nimesh will describe the benefits of SQL commenter and demonstrate how to enable it and use it to troubleshoot slow running databases with query tagging, end to end tracing and auto-ORM instrumentation.