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From YouTube: With Preview Environments, Everyone is Invited To the Party- Jacob MacElroy, Okteto


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With Preview Environments, Everyone is Invited To the Party- Jacob MacElroy, Okteto

Historically, code reviews have been the sole domain of software developers. Who else is going to be capable of pouring over hundreds of lines of code and identify good and bad practices? But modern software development is no longer the sole domain of software developers. As our industry has matured, it has shifted, and new roles have appeared. Even in the smallest teams, you'll often have Program Managers, Designers, Content Writers, etc. They don't write code on their day-to-day jobs, but they often have the same or even more context on the changes you're working on. Wouldn't it be fantastic if they could also review your changes? Let me introduce you to preview environments. A preview environment is, at a high level, a copy of your application attached to a pull request. With preview environments, you can include a live copy of your application along with your code changes, making it easier for everyone in your team to give you feedback on your changes. Heroku and Runnable are some of the earlier proponents of preview environments, but they were limited to their own walled garden. In this presentation, I'll talk about why Kubernetes is the perfect platform for preview environments to finally gain the massive adoption they deserve.