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From YouTube: Exposing the Revolution: GRPC Observability with eBPF on K8s - Ori Shussman, Groundcover


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Exposing the Revolution: GRPC Observability with eBPF on K8s - Ori Shussman, Groundcover

eBPF is becoming the go-to technology for K8s observability, pushed forward by projects like Pixie and Cilium, and expected to shed light on a lot of data left unseen today. gRPC, the most widely-used protocol to transfer data between containers, is difficult to monitor, when compared to more modern methods using eBPF. Join a journey through an eBPF solution that monitors the gRPC library used in python, C++, C#, PHP, & more. Gain understanding of why gRPC and other compressed or encrypted protocols are harder to monitor, and see how eBPF’s strengths can be utilized to trace these hard-to-reach cases. Talk is cheap - that’s why you’ll get the tools to try it out yourself — Experience a demo of this research and technology, which are now part of the Pixie CNCF project that recently started supporting these advanced monitoring methods. These methods will become important stepping stones on the way to reaching the ultimate goal of the monitoring world: full, yet effortless observability.