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From YouTube: Extending Cilium with eBPF for Exposing HTTP/1 Golden Metrics - Aidan Carson,


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Extending Cilium with eBPF for Exposing HTTP/1 Golden Metrics - Aidan Carson,

Metrics are table stakes for any modern service mesh, and because of the placement of proxies in a traditional sidecar-based topology, fairly straightforward to retrieve. However, as use cases evolve and the space matures, we have seen an evolution beyond that of traditional sidecar-based implementations. In this talk, Aidan will technically deep dive into the mechanisms through which we may retrieve the most valuable metrics — request count, response code, and latency (the so-called "golden metrics") — in a sidecarless environment with the help of eBPF. Aidan will discuss the hardships of implementing such a solution, and a few tips when operating at a higher protocol layer. All of these metrics will be exportable in Prometheus so that you may integrate a solution like this with toolchains in your existing infrastructure.