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From YouTube: Lightning Talk: Wildly Distributed Programming: Wasm and the Future of Distribute... Brooks Townsend


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Lightning Talk: Wildly Distributed Programming: Wasm and the Future of Distributed Computing - Brooks Townsend, Cosmonic

Distributed applications are notoriously difficult. The problems of running applications on multiple computers spanning physical and network boundaries have been studied for years. With all of the complexity of just deploying an application today, why go down the rabbit hole of designing it to be distributed? This is a demo-heavy talk where you'll see WebAssembly running all over the globe with wasmCloud. Brooks will showcase a real, and possibly ridiculous, distributed application using WebAssembly. You'll see an application whose components are spread across different cloud providers, different edge devices, and different regions. You'll see how, despite its multi-platform, distributed implementation, it can handle outages, failover, and migration without batting an eye.