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From YouTube: Running Envoy at the Edge - Derek Argueta, Pinterest


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Running Envoy at the Edge - Derek Argueta, Pinterest

Migrating infrastructure can be hard, but we want to help you accomplish it. In this talk, we will walk you through the story of how we operationalized and deployed Envoy as the edge load balancer for Pinterest, and all the fun learnings along the way. We will demonstrate how we leverage Envoy's powerful stats subsystem to build confidence in the load balancing tier and aid debugging for all engineers. We will also discuss some of the upstream contributions we have made and why we needed them, as well as cover the custom extensions we wrote to accomplish on-par feature parity with our previous load balancing system. You will learn how we debug, profile, and develop on Envoy. Lastly, we will lay out the vision for Envoy in the service mesh use-case at Pinterest and provide information about how we plan to get there.