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From YouTube: Use Envoy + Knative to auto scale Java RPC micro service - Andy Shi, Alibaba


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Use Envoy + Knative to auto scale Java RPC micro service - Andy Shi, Alibaba

Envoy and Istio have greatly enhanced Observability of micro-services. But are we stopping at observing and reporting? How about reacting based on the metrics collected?

Kubernets and other orchestration systems have already offered auto-scaling capability. Is there a way to incorporate the matrics into the mechanism?

Dubbo RPC is an Open Source Java RPC framework. Now that Envoy has supported Dubbo protocol, the metric generated by Dubbo can be fed into the Prometheus. With that, we can gain many insights that outside systems like Kubernets simply cannot access.

In this talk, we'll talk about how we integrated Dubbo protocol with Envoy and feed the metric into Prometheus. We will show a live demo of a feedback loop where Prometheus triggers an alert to a Knative Serverless function that will auto-scale the pods.