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From YouTube: Implementing Preview Environments with GitOps in Kubernetes - François Le Pape, Remazing


Implementing Preview Environments with GitOps in Kubernetes - François Le Pape, Remazing

Implementing Preview Environments with GitOps in Kubernetes: how to spin up ephemeral environments on the fly at each Pull-requests for the delight of your team. Have you ever experienced a delayed-release because your Staging environment was broken by another feature? Ending up merging a non-production tested Hotfix branch to your Main branch? Preview environments are an answer to increasing velocity inside your team. Kubernetes combined with GitOps allow you to quickly create and destroy resources along with keeping a clear code history and infrastructure changes in Git. Using Bitbucket Pipelines for Continuous Integration and ArgoCD for declarative Continuous Delivery, we will go through different challenges you can encounter to deploy Preview environments such as Secrets management with Sealed Secrets, splitting repositories, and clearing resources to prevent further costs.