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From YouTube: GitOps Everything!? We Sure Can!, Ayelet de-Roos, AppsFlyer


GitOps Everything!? We Sure Can!, Ayelet de-Roos, AppsFlyer

Usually when developers mention GitOps, it is to describe yet another continuous delivery mechanism for their (micro-)services. There are developers that to some extent apply it to their infrastructure, but can it describe both? Can you also apply it to your SaaS solutions? At Appsflyer, with an architecture of over 850 micro-services, thousands of cloud resources and dozens of SaaS integrations, we strive to automate them all using GitOps workflow. In this talk, Ayelet de-Roos will present how AppsFlyer applies Terraform with GitOps to automate everything, how AppsFlyer keeps its deployables safe and easy to manage with Flux CD, how AppsFlyer identifies drifts in non-Kubernetes environments, and how to enforce company standards and policies using Open Policy Agent.