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From YouTube: GitOps Based Infrastructure as Code with Rancher Fleet and Crossplane - Hossein Salahi, Liquid Reply


GitOps Based Infrastructure as Code with Rancher Fleet and Crossplane - Hossein Salahi, Liquid Reply

With more demand for deploying at scale, we need a new concept for multi-cluster management. The majority of current multi-cluster and multi-cloud management solutions are missing a unified control plane not only to manage Kubernetes cluster life cycle (vanilla or managed), but also application deployment, security policies enforcement (e.g., RBAC, network policies, etc.). By using GitOps patterns we can solve most of the above-mentioned challenges. Fleet is the next generation of cluster management tooling and uses Kubernetes Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) to manage GitOps at scale up to deployments of thousands of clusters. Crossplane, on the other hand is a cloud control plane that transforms Kubernetes API into an interface to the public or private cloud providers. The Crossplane fits really well into the Gitops realm, since it allows declarative specifications of cloud services that are stored in a git repository for GitOps tools to pull from it.