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From YouTube: GitOps with Flux and OCI Registries - Soulé Ba & Scott Rigby, Weaveworks


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GitOps with Flux and OCI Registries - Soulé Ba & Scott Rigby, Weaveworks

Flux is a CNCF tool that enables users to adopt the GitOps methodology for continuous deployment. Flux reconciles your workload from different sources: Git, Helm repository, an S3 bucket, and now Flux maintainers have added support for OCI registries. Not only can Helm charts be stored as OCI artifacts, but also your Kubernetes desired state in plain YAML and other popular formats like Kustomize and Terraform. We will demonstrate how to use OCI registries as a source to deploy workloads using flux: - Deploy charts and Kubernetes manifests from an OCI registry - Sign and verify the workloads - Automatically update configuration repository and observer automatic upgrades We will also present the Flux OCI as source architecture so users can better understand what's going on under the hood when they use OCI registries for their GitOps source.