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From YouTube: Lightning Talk: Green(Ing) CI/CD: A Sustainability Journey with GitOps - Niki Manoledaki, Weaveworks


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Lightning Talk: Green(Ing) CI/CD: A Sustainability Journey with GitOps - Niki Manoledaki, Weaveworks

Our infrastructure needs are increasingly energy and carbon intensive. CI/CD is one area where we can take steps to measure and reduce our footprint. In this talk, we present our investigation into instrumenting CI/CD systems and GitOps tools to achieve this. We share the outcomes and lessons learned from these experiments so far. Our journey begins with traditional CI/CD where the two are tightly coupled. Transitioning to GitOps often starts with decoupling the two. This is an opportunity to measure the energy consumption of each step and think about environmental impact from the very beginning. Energy use can be measured before and after this decoupling, and we can show you how. On the next stop in our sustainability journey, we evaluate how GitOps tools and patterns can be used to reduce energy consumption and wasted resources. Expressing a system declaratively offers full visibility of the tools running in your clusters. Another promise of GitOps is that it can be used to turn IT off when not needed. GitOps can also support tools and policies to measure and optimize energy and carbon usage. Our journey ends with some reflections on methodology, outcomes, and next steps.