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From YouTube: Knative goes beyond serverless | Alexandre Roman


KCD Italy 2021* - The video of the talks are now available!

Serverless is a good pattern when it comes to saving infrastructure resources: why should you run apps when there’s nothing to do? The open source project Knative is often used to run functions as serverless apps in Kubernetes clusters.

In this talk, you’ll see how to leverage Knative for Kubernetes apps, not only functions. Check out how to apply serverless patterns to an existing Spring Boot / Nodejs app (backend / frontend) with a live demo.

🤓 SPEAKER: Alexandre Roman, Tanzu Senior Solution Engineer, VMware
👉🏼 Here the slide deck:

* KCD Italy 2021 is the first edition of a community-organized non-profit event that will take place on November 17th and 18th and will gather adopters and technologists from open source and cloud native communities for education, collaboration, and networking.

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