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From YouTube: Knative Functions: An Introduction, Demonstration and Roadmap - Lance Ball & Mauricio Salatino


Knative Functions: An Introduction, Demonstration and Roadmap - Lance Ball, Red Hat (WG lead) & Mauricio Salatino, VMware

Knative Functions fall somewhere between a CaaS (Containers-as-a-Service) and a FaaS (Function-as-a-Service) and provide an experience similar to Google Functions or Azure Container Apps. Those platforms allow you to run your applications without the need to know about containers or Kubernetes. They take source code, often just a function, and convert it into a runnable artifact, deployed on a cluster, while hiding from you all of the Kubernetes and container details. In this talk, you will learn about Knative Functions: what they are; how the project was created and evolved; and most importantly how you can use them to quickly and easily deploy event-driven, Knative Serverless applications. Lance and Mauricio will be live coding to create, build and deploy functions that consume and produce CloudEvents in multiple programming languages, illustrating the polyglot nature of Kubernetes and the Serverless capabilities of Knative.