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From YouTube: Lightning Talk: Docker-free Functions for Knative - Zbynek Roubalik, Red Hat


Lightning Talk: Docker-free Functions for Knative - Zbynek Roubalik, Red Hat

Knative Functions allows developers to build and run their applications on Kubernetes without knowing anything about containers. Instead, the source code is built transparently using a local Docker or Podman installation and deployed as a Knative Service in a few simple steps. Sometimes, however, a local build in Docker or Podman is not possible or simply not the preferred option for a developer. Luckily there is now an alternative. In this lightning talk, Zbynek will present the latest feature of Knative Functions: On-cluster builds, which frees users from creating container images locally. The presentation will describe the different options for creating container images within Kubernetes clusters, the current status, and the plans for on-cluster function builds. A live demo will show the on-cluster builds in action.