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From YouTube: Knative Eventing Installed Then What Next? - Aleksander Slominski & Lionel Villard, IBM


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Knative Eventing Installed Then What Next? - Aleksander Slominski & Lionel Villard, IBM

You have successfully followed documentation and installed Knative Eventing. Now you have channels, subscriptions, sources, sinks, brokers, triggers. How to make sense out of it? We are going to show what are use cases and what are the main differences between different components of Knative Eventing such as channels and brokers. We are going to show what is happening when we run an example event-driven serverless application. We will use the hands-on approach by comparing self-hosted Apache Kafka (Apache Strimzi) and SaaS versions (IBM Event Streams and Red Hat OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka). We are also going to show what to do when you run into problems, how to troubleshoot and debug Knative Eventing. After this talk you should have a better understanding of how Knative Eventing works and what problems it was designed to solve.