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From YouTube: Lightning Talk: From Novice to Maintainer - Paul Schweigert


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Lightning Talk: From Novice to Maintainer: Reflections on One Year of Contributing to Knative - Paul Schweigert, IBM

Ever wanted to contribute to Knative (or open source) but couldn’t quite figure out how to get started? In this session, Paul will use his experience as a relatively new contributor to Knative to draw out some helpful ways to begin getting involved with the project. This talk will cover useful topics for new contributors like getting to know the various roles on the project, how to find good issues to work on, how to make the most of the various community meetings, and some helpful tips and tricks for getting your PRs merged. The session will also cover ways for non-coders to get involved. At the conclusion of this session, someone thinking of contributing should feel confident that they can help make Knative a better project for all.