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From YouTube: Navigating the Service Mesh Ecosystem - George Miranda, Buoyant, Inc. & Diogenes Rittori, Pivotal


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Service Mesh Ecosystem - George Miranda, Buoyant, Inc. & Diogenes Rittori, Pivotal

Last year, KubeCon speakers called 2018 “the year of the service mesh.” Linkerd, Envoy, Istio, Conduit and others have emerged in this space and you may have heard of them. But what exactly do they do? Are they the same or different? What questions should you be asking to figure out what's right for you? Where do you get started and how? In this talk, Christian (Red Hat, Istio) and George (Buoyant, Linkerd & Conduit) team up to present an objective look at how to navigate options in the service mesh ecosystem. They focus on helping you understand the differences between Linkerd, Envoy, Istio, Conduit, and other service mesh options. For each project highlighted, they cover its design philosophy and the problems for which they're best suited. You’ll get a clearer look at where you should get started in your evaluation journey and feel confident where and when to use a service mesh.

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