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From YouTube: 360° Monitoring of Your Services [I] - Philipp Krenn, Elastic


360° Monitoring of Your Services [I] - Philipp Krenn, Elastic

"With microservices every outage is like a murder mystery" is a common banter. But it doesn't have to be! This talk gives an overview on how to monitor Spring Boot applications, since they are increasingly popular for building microservices. We dive into:
- System metrics: Keep track of network traffic and system load.
- Application logs: Collect and parse your logs.
- Application metrics: Get the information from Boot's metric and health endpoints and store it.
- Request tracing: Use Sleuth to trace requests through a distributed system.
- Uptime monitoring: Use Heartbeat to ping services and actively monitor their availability.
All the data will be aggregated and visualized in Kibana, giving you an all around view of your system.

About Philipp Krenn
Philipp is part of the infrastructure team and a Developer Advocate at Elastic, spreading the love and knowledge of full-text search, analytics, and real-time data. He is a frequent speaker at conferences and meetups about all things search & analytics, databases, cloud computing, and devops. Philipp lives in Vienna where he enjoys experimenting with software, organizing meetups, and sports.
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