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From YouTube: 50 Shades of System Calls [I] - Jorge Salamero Sanz, Sysdig


50 Shades of System Calls [I] - Jorge Salamero Sanz, Sysdig

Transaction tracing is typically thought of something that only developers do when they need to troubleshoot a piece of their software. And lately, it’s also been used for tracing microservice-based transactions too.

These are really useful capabilities, but what if you could profile everything? Yes everything - software functions, microservice calls, file access, network requests, even bash scripts. How would this change your view on your systems? How would this enable you to better understand what your software is actually doing?

In this talk I’ll show you how to trace everything using Sysdig, an open source system visibility tool. We’ll cover:
How to trace everything from a method in your software, a service call, a network request, a shell command execution, a script, and more
What effective tracing in containerized environments requires
How to report on your traces to make the most sense of the data
Use real-world examples of tracing that show its benefits
When you leave this talk, it’s very likely that you’ll skip the next one so that you can go trace something!

About Jorge Salamero Sanz
Jorge enjoys monitoring all the things, from his Kubernetes clusters to writing sensors plugins and DIY projects with Raspberry PI and ESP8266. Currently he is part of the Sysdig team, and in the past was one of the promoters of HumanOps. When he is away from computers, you will find him walking with his 2 dogs across the countryside.
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