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From YouTube: A Staging Environment Per Pull Request: Building Our Own Controller! [B] - Kamal Marhubi, Heap


A Staging Environment Per Pull Request: Building Our Own Controller! [B] - Kamal Marhubi, Heap

Services like TravisCI and CircleCI make it easy to run your test suite on every pull request. But sometimes you just want to kick the tires of a complete system with your changes applied. Kubernetes let's us do far better than an ad hoc staging environment: launch an entire environment in the cluster for each pull request! In this talk, we'll walk through the design of a system for declaratively specifying staging environments. Along the way we'll take a look behind the curtain and learn about the beautifully simple control loop architecture that underlies all Kubernetes components.

About Kamal Marhubi
Kamal Marhubi loves programming, systems, and ringing bells.
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