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From YouTube: Keynote: OpenTracing Project Update - Priyanka Sharma, LightStep


Keynote: OpenTracing Project Update - Priyanka Sharma, LightStep

The OpenTracing project turned one year old a month ago. In the last year, it has been solidified as the API standard for getting production data out of complex, distributed systems. Come learn about the latest API updates, language and other OSS bindings, and see a demo that involves donuts.

About Priyanka Sharma
Priyanka Sharma is an entrepreneur with a passion for building developer products and growing them through open source communities. She heads Marketing and Partnerships at LightStep and also works on the OpenTracing project, an instrumentation standard for distributed tracing. In her copious spare time she advises startups at HeavyBit industries, an accelerator for developer products. Priyanka cofounded WakaTime, an open source time-tracker for developers and holds a BA in Political Science from Stanford University.
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