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From YouTube: Delve into Helm: Advanced DevOps [I] - Lachlan Evenson & Adam Reese, Deis


Delve into Helm: Advanced DevOps [I] - Lachlan Evenson & Adam Reese, Deis

Helm is not just for simple applications running in simple environments. In this talk, we delve into the depths of Helm, focusing on lifecycle management and continuous delivery (CI/CD) of Kubernetes-native applications in different environments. We show how to extend Helm’s capabilities with plugins and add-ons. We'll also see how sophisticated charts like OpenStack and Deis Workflow use these capabilities to model more complex deployments.

About Lachlan Evenson
Cloud evangelist and tire kicker. Pushing cloud to it's limits in a public/private environments. Passionate about infrastructure automation, architecture and cloud deployment strategy. Believer in open source and an active member of the community contributing to several projects. Spent the last year and a half working with Kubernetes and enabling Cloud Native Journeys. @lachlanevenson

About Adam Reese
Adam Reese is a core maintainer for the Kubernetes Helm project. As a Senior Engineer at Deis, he has contributed to many open source projects. Over his 15 years building software, Adam has built everything from distributed pipeline processors to embedded systems.
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