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From YouTube: Dance Madly on the Lip of a Volcano [I] - Jess Frazelle & Brandon Philips


Dance Madly on the Lip of a Volcano with Security Release Processes [I] - Jess Frazelle, Google & Brandon Philips, CoreOS

This talk will cover how we designed an awesome security release process for Kubernetes and all it’s sub-projects.

Open source projects strive to be transparent in everything they do, but when it comes to fixing security patches they need to find the right balance of “open” and “responsible.” This means vulnerabilities should be reported in a safe way as well as patches tested and reviewed with a limited audience. The companies that rely on Kubernetes should have time to patch their systems before a public announcement.

Various sets of infrastructure and collaboration are needed to make this a reality. The design we used could also be applied to other projects and even internally in your company.

Join us to learn about the Kubernetes Security Release process and how we went from no infrastructure in 2016 to great infrastructure backed by an awesome team in 2017.

About Jess Frazelle
Jess Frazelle is a Software Engineer at Google. She has been a maintainer of Docker, contributor to RunC, Kubernetes and Golang as well as other projects. She loves all things involving Linux namespaces and cgroups and is probably most well known for running desktop applications in containers. She maintained the AppArmor, Seccomp, and SELinux bits in Docker and is quite familiar with locking down containers.

About Brandon Philips
Brandon Philips is helping to build modern Linux server infrastructure at CoreOS as CTO. Prior to CoreOS, he worked at Rackspace hacking on cloud monitoring and was a Linux kernel developer at SUSE. As a graduate of Oregon State's Open Source Lab he is passionate about open source technologies.
Join us for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Barcelona May 20 - 23, Shanghai June 24 - 26, and San Diego November 18 - 21! Learn more at The conference features presentations from developers and end users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects.