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From YouTube: Understanding and Extending Prometheus AlertManager [I] - Lee Calcote, SolarWinds


Understanding and Extending Prometheus AlertManager [I] - Lee Calcote, SolarWinds

The AlertManager component handles alerts sent by client applications such as the Prometheus server, carefully de-duplicating, correlating, and routing their notifications to their appropriate receiver (e.g. email, webhook, etc.). Current behavior of this component is only to display actively firing alerts.

Contributing to Prometheus is no different than most other open source endeavors, which, like many projects, welcomes community contributions. Let’s gain better familiarity with the process by augmenting Prometheus’ AlertManager with a new “history” view.

About Lee Calcote
Lee Calcote is CNCF Ambassador & an innovative thought leader, passionate about developer platforms and management software - building best-in-class teams and offerings, with a solid record of leveraging advanced and emerging technologies for competitive advantage, improving processes and speed of delivery on the way to driving revenue and market share. With nearly two decades of combined technical, management and leadership experience with globally distributed, agile teams throughout full software development lifecycle, I aim to profoundly impact by leading strategy and development of product and services at the intersection of clouds, containers, infrastructure, applications and their management.
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