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From YouTube: What Cloud Computing Can Learn from Neuroscience: How the Brain Architects 'Cloud Applications'


What Cloud Computing Can Learn from Neuroscience: How the Brain Architects 'Cloud Applications' [I] - David Flanders, University of Melbourne, Australia

"The wisest and noblest teacher is nature... one who loves practice without theory is like the sailor who boards the ship without a rudder and compass and never knows where one may cast." (Leonardo da Vinci).

All great science begins in nature, and it is often this simple metaphor we forget about when attempting to explain the code we want to spend months (if not years) building for our users.

This presentation asks a simple question: what can cloud computing learn from the architecture of the brain (neuroscience). An overview of recent neuroscience will be provided as a metaphor for how we build cloud applications. Like any good scientific theory it will ask more questions than provide answers.

About David Flanders
Computer scientist and neuroscience, exploring what we can learn from millennia of lessons the brains' evolutionary architecture has for building cloud applications.
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