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From YouTube: When Failure is Not an Option: Processing Real Money at Monzo with Kubernetes and Linkerd [I]


When Failure is Not an Option: Processing Real Money at Monzo with Kubernetes and Linkerd [I] - Oliver Gould, Buoyant & Oliver Beattie, Monzo

In this talk, we describe how Monzo processes financial transactions involving real money and real people in way that's safe, secure, and resilient. We show how combining Kubernetes with Linkerd creates a highly adaptive system, where Kubernetes provides a baseline level of protection against hardware and software failures and Linkerd layers on request-level resilience, including including latency-aware load-balancing, intelligent retries, and service-level measures of success rates and latency. We show how the resulting system is resilient to a wide variety of failures and protects the financial transactions that flow through it from failure, yet still allows for a rapid pace of feature development and iteration.

About Oliver Beattie
Oliver Beattie is Head of Engineering at Monzo, leading the development of the distributed systems to power a new kind of bank. He previously worked on Hailo's global micro-services platform.

About Oliver Gould
Oliver is the CTO of Buoyant, where he leads open source development efforts. Prior to joining Buoyant, he was a staff infrastructure engineer at Twitter, where he was the tech lead of Observability, Traffic, and Configuration & Coordination teams. He is the creator of linkerd and a core contributor to Finagle, the high-volume RPC library used at Twitter, Pinterest, Soundcloud, and many other companies.
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