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From YouTube: Building a Kubernetes Scheduler using Custom Metrics - Mateo Burillo, Sysdig


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Building a Kubernetes Scheduler using Custom Metrics - Mateo Burillo, Sysdig (Intermediate Skill Level)

The default Kubernetes scheduler does a fantastic job for typical workloads, but when you have specific requirements (like higher level application metrics) you might need other scheduling methods. You probably know how to use node affinity, inter-pod affinity, taints, and tolerations. But what if you could use any of the metrics already present in your monitoring infrastructure to dynamically configure the Kubernetes pod scheduler? In this session we will demonstrate how to create a custom Kubernetes scheduler using any monitoring source such as statsd, JMX or Prometheus. We will walk through the code required for a custom scheduler, and end with a short demo. We will provide attendees the source code and placeholder containers required to run the examples in their clusters during this practical session.

About Mateo
Integrations engineer and tech writer @sysdig Mateo greatly enjoys tinkering with container technologies, creating homebrew lab environments, and the perpetual newbie feeling of this fast moving world of tech. He spends most of the day getting in the shoes of the user at many different levels: user interface, task automation, proper documentation and error handling, code examples, and dissecting deep technical concepts for the newcomers. All his former job positions revolve around the confluence of humans and technology, having worked as Evangelist, Project manager and pre-sales engineer. Relevant experience: - Currently working for Sysdig playing with Kubernetes and writing about it: - I’ve been featured in the the Kubeweekly newsletter a few times: - I’ve spoken at a few Meetups (video of this one @ Docker Meetup Madrid:
Join us for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Barcelona May 20 - 23, Shanghai June 24 - 26, and San Diego November 18 - 21! Learn more at The conference features presentations from developers and end users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects.