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From YouTube: Cloud Native Identity Management - Andreas Zitzelsberger & Andrew Jessup


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Cloud Native Identity Management - Andreas Zitzelsberger, QAware GmbH & Andrew Jessup, Scytale Inc. (Intermediate Skill Level)

Identity Management (IDM) incorporates a definition of identity, authentication and authorization. Cloud native workload IDM is necessary to protect against an untrusted network and compromised or rogue workloads. As organisations start to take advantage of elastic scaling and dynamic scheduling IDM becomes more important, and more challenging. This talk will examine how we are working to solve these challenges in a large cloud project at a major insurance company. We’ll describe a real world architecture, built on the SPIFFE standard, open-source software including SPIRE and Vault and a sprinkle of custom code to provide workload authentication and authorization, zero-trust networking and rotating secrets. And finally we’ll discuss how this solution can also serve as the foundation for more security policy and traffic management capabilities based on technologies like Envoy and Istio.

About Andreas
Andreas is Principal Software Architect at QAware, an independent cloud native software manufacturer that has been repeatedly awarded Best IT Workplace in Germany. His focus is cloud native computing in all its glory. He is responsible for the heavy lifting at a large-scale cloud project for a major insurance company. Before sticking his head in the clouds, he created and implemented Big Data, IOT and even SOA architectures. When he’s not building software, he saves the world by analyzing and stabilizing misbehaving complex systems. Previous speaking experience: - Apache Big Data NA 2016, Clickstream Analysis with Apache Spark - Apache Big Data NA 2016, Real Time BOM explosions with Apache Spark and Solr - Data2Day 2015, Clickstream Analyse mit Apache Spark (German, essentially the same talk as the one at the Apache Big Data)

About Andrew
Andrew is the co-founder of Scytale, who are helping bring SPIFFE into the world. Find out more at Andrew is an engineer, and entrepreneur with a passion for building tools that help bring simplicity to software development. Prior to co-founding Scytale, Andrew was a product manager on Google’s Cloud Platform, launching many of the automation primitives on Google Compute Engine (including Auto-scaling, Managed Instance Groups, and Deployment Manager), helping improve developer workflow with the Spinnaker and Container Builder projects, and helping improve accessibility to developers and operations teams. As an Australian in the San Francisco Bay Area, Andrew spends most of his spare time trying to sell his Midwestern wife on the virtues of Vegemite.
Join us for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Barcelona May 20 - 23, Shanghai June 24 - 26, and San Diego November 18 - 21! Learn more at The conference features presentations from developers and end users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects.