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From YouTube: Panel Discussion: Containers in Enterprise Cloud Strategy - Moderated by Anni Lai, Huawei


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Panel Discussion: Containers in Enterprise Cloud Strategy: Pitfalls, Best Practices, and Predictions - Moderated by Anni Lai, Huawei (Intermediate Skill Level)

Container technology promises to help enterprises modernize legacy apps & create cloud-native apps for today’s fast growing digital economy. But, the container ecosystem, built around open src, is still relatively new & evolving at a breakneck pace. CIOs/CTOs today face the need to develop & implement a container strategy, knowing the risks of deploying a still immature technology into production environments that require 0 downtime. This panel will bring together stakeholders from enterprise IT & open src cloud vendors to discuss the role of open src container technologies in their cloud strategies. Panelists will recount challenges & pitfalls faced in deploying containers in production environments & highlight gaps before containers are fully “enterprise ready", & best practices. Panelists will offer their views on the near future of containers as an enabler of the enterprise cloud.

About Brad
Dr. Brad Topol is an IBM DE leading efforts focused on Open Technologies and Developer Advocacy. Brad is a Kubernetes contributor and serves as a member of the Kubernetes conformance wg.

About Ying
Dr. Ying Xiong is currently responsible for leading an US R&D team and building PaaS on open source technologies for Huawei. Dr. Xiong has been involved in Kubernetes/container technologies and communities for over 3 years, ICT technologies for over 20 years. Prior to Huawei, he was a Cloud Platform Architect/Sr. Dev manager for Centrify, Principal dev manager and principal architect at Microsoft, principal technical architect and sr. dev manager at AT&T

About Nils
Nils designs with his team the Open Telekom Cloud, providing a public cloud offering based on OpenStack. As a strong believer and 20+ year user of Open Source technology, he envisions solutions on top of classic cloud services that both create value (business’ perspective) as well as happiness (devops’ perspective). He is a community outreach evangelist in several Open Source projects, speaks at conferences, and is a tech writer for magazines on container security, cloud strategy, and survival guide in a jungle of ever denser growing tools, techniques, and terminologies. Nils enjoys a good hike in nature and lives in urban Berlin, Germany.

About Brandon
Brandon Philips is helping to shape the future of modern Linux server infrastructure at Red Hat. Brandon joined Red Hat as member of technical staff following the acquisition of CoreOS where he served as CTO. Prior to CoreOS, he worked at Rackspace hacking on cloud monitoring and was a Linux kernel developer at SUSE. As a graduate of Oregon State's Open Source Lab he is passionate about open source technologies.
Join us for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Barcelona May 20 - 23, Shanghai June 24 - 26, and San Diego November 18 - 21! Learn more at The conference features presentations from developers and end users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects.