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From YouTube: Replacing NGINX with Envoy in a Traffic Control System - Mark McBride, Turbine Labs, Inc


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Replacing NGINX with Envoy in a Traffic Control System - Mark McBride, Turbine Labs, Inc (Advanced Skill Level)

In late 2017 Turbine Labs migrated the proxy at the center of their traffic control product from NGINX from Envoy. In this talk Mark will outline the decision making criteria for embarking on this migration and the steps they took to make this transition transparent. He will also walk through the engineering effort, from packaging, deployment, monitoring, and committing new features back to the Envoy community. At the end he will describe the benefits of the new system, and talk about future improvements.

About Mark
Mark McBride is founder and CEO of Turbine Labs, building products that help teams manage Envoy at scale. Previously, Mark was services engineer lead at Nest Labs and Google, where he was responsible for the development of Nest’s server infrastructure that makes it possible for Nest customers to connect with their homes from wherever they are, and as an early developer on Twitter’s streaming API, delivering thousands of messages per second in real time to millions of users. During his time at Twitter, Mark managed developer productivity and led the web delivery, developer tools, and infrastructure test teams; he also worked with a variety of deploy pipelines and led development of some of Twitter’s early service migrations, which grew into a suite of tools used to migrate of millions of requests per second from legacy services to modern replacements.
Join us for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Barcelona May 20 - 23, Shanghai June 24 - 26, and San Diego November 18 - 21! Learn more at The conference features presentations from developers and end users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects.