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From YouTube: Merging Quickly in a Cloud Native World - Lucas Roesler, Contiamo


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Merging Quickly in a Cloud Native World - Lucas Roesler, Contiamo

You are really excited by a new project, you have a great idea to contribute, you click submit ... and wait. The latest StackOverflow community report states that 80% of surveyed developers are coding in their free time but only 44% are contributing to open source projects. While this number seems good, can we do better? How can we ensure that both contributors and maintainers enjoy and benefit from participating?

In this presentation Lucas goes behind the scenes of the OpenFaaS project to share his knowledge from contributing to OpenFaaS and becoming a core contributor. We will walk through the standard git flow to understand what the maintainers of a large open-source project are looking for in new contributions, what we are doing to improve the experience, what the Kubernetes community at large is working on to help, and what you can do to get your pull request merged more quickly.