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From YouTube: gRPC For Microservices: Service-mesh and Observability - Sanjay Pujare & Wenbo Zhu‎, Google


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gRPC For Microservices: Service-mesh and Observability - Sanjay Pujare & Wenbo Zhu‎, Google

gRPC is a popular and the de facto framework for connecting services. gRPC is language and platform independent. It was initially created by Google, as the next version of “Stubby” where “Stubby” was used to connect Google’s large number of microservices. gRPC recently has added many features for the proxyless service mesh. These features enable gRPC based microservices to do traffic management (which includes service discovery, routing and load balancing), and security without the use of proxies or without rewriting any code to make use of these features. gRPC also offers built-in observability support such as logging, metrics and tracing for microservices. One can try these features out in Google Cloud where the gRPC observability plugins seamlessly integrate with Google Cloud’s Operations Suite to give you dashboards for logs, metrics and traces.