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From YouTube: Logging for Containers by Eduardo Silva, Treasure Data


Logging for Containers by Eduardo Silva, Treasure Data

"The implementation of Linux Containers provides enough flexibility to isolate applications with restricted access to CPU, memory and networking within others. While this technology is stable and production ready, there are some challenges that still needs to be addressed for the containerized application when deployed at scale: Logging.

While some applications writes their logs to the file system, others use the generic STDOUT and STDERR interfaces; when the application runs on top of a framework or virtual machine (JVM), it may generate some extra information. Since monitoring is a must, handling this data coming from different sources and formats adds an exponential complexity, specially when scaling to thousands of containers.

In this presentation I will describe the Logging challenges for containerized applications and how this is being solved with Fluentd."

About Eduardo Silva
Eduardo Silva is a principal Open Source developer at Treasure Data Inc. It currently leads the efforts to make logging ecosystem more friendly in Embedded, Containers and Cloud services. He also directs the Monkey Project organization which is behind the Open Source projects Monkey HTTP Server and Duda I/O. He is a known speaker having experience in South America and in recent Linux Foundation events in the US, Asia and Europe.
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