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From YouTube: Managing a Multi-Tenanted Kubernetes Cluster in Production by Josh Bowen, Apigee


Managing a Multi-Tenanted Kubernetes Cluster in Production - Josh Bowen, Apigee

"Kubernetes clusters dedicated to a single organization are becoming common, either run by the organizations that use them or hosted by others. Less common is a multi-tenant use of a single cluster.

There are problems to be solved in managing a multi-tenanted Kubernetes cluster in production. At Apigee, we are building a new Kubernetes-based platform that hosts applications for our clients and ourselves on a single, shared cluster.

This talk will cover:
- Securely routing traffic to the correct tenant
- Isolating tenant network environments
- Authenticating and authorizing management API calls using our own and our customers' identity providers and access control policies
- Creating a multi-tenanted build and deploy flow"

About Noah Dietz
Noah Dietz is a software developer at Apigee and part of it's Microservices team. This team is dedicated to ideating and implementing new ways for Apigee to adopt a microservice architecture in its infrastructure. He has only been working with Kubernetes for a few months now, but he is the proud owner of a Kubernetes 1st Birthday party hat from the local k8s Meetup. Before hacking on Kubernetes, Noah worked mainly with Node.js on Edge Microgateway, Apigee's hybrid-cloud API management solution, and OpenAPI (f.k.a Swagger) tooling. He can be reached on Twitter at @no_d_here and occasionally blogs on Medium.
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