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From YouTube: KubeCeption! A Story of Self-Hosted Kubernetes by Aaron Levy, CoreOS, Inc.


KubeCeption! A Story of Self-Hosted Kubernetes - Aaron Levy, CoreOS, Inc.

"Self-hosted Kubernetes is here, and with it you can upgrade Kubernetes using nothing but Kubernetes, manage the full cluster lifecycle using nothing but kubectl, and run Kubelets with Kubelets.

Wondering what a self-hosted Kubernetes cluster actually is? This talk will go over how we can vastly improve and simplify management of Kubernetes clusters by getting out of its way, and letting Kubernetes manage itself. At the end of the day, Kubernetes is oftentimes better at managing applications than the tools we build to manage Kubernetes.

From the initial node bootstrap, to a scaling a highly-available Kubernetes installation - we will cover how it works through each stage of deploying a self-hosted cluster, and what it looks like to use Kubernetes to manage Kubernetes."

About Aaron Levy
Aaron Levy is a software engineer working on all things Kubernetes at CoreOS.
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