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From YouTube: Kompose: The Docker-Compose of Kubernetes by Sebastien Goasguen, Skippbox


Kompose: The Docker-Compose of Kubernetes - Sebastien Goasguen, Skippbox

Developers who embrace containers start with Docker on their laptop and quickly build a docker-compose file to describe their multi-container application. To deploy this application in a cluster they can rely on Swarm or systems like Rancher. But until now there was no easy way to go from Compose to Kubernetes. In this talk we will present Kompose, a tool that takes a docker-compose file and automatically converts it into Kubernetes primitives. The tool is highly flexible and provides the same functionality as docker-compose, but it also provides extended functionality to embrace Kubernetes powerful API objects. A community driven open-source tool, kompose meets Docker users where they are and brings them automatically to Kubernetes operations.

About Sebastien Goasguen
Sebastien is a long time open source contributor, maintainer on Kubernetes Helm and author of the Docker cookbook. He recently founded Skippbox which offers application life-cycle solutions for Kubernetes apps.
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