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From YouTube: Keynote: The Road Ahead on the Kubernetes Journey - Craig McLuckie, CEO, Heptio


Keynote: The Road Ahead on the Kubernetes Journey - Craig McLuckie, CEO, Heptio

It has been amazing to watch Kubernetes emerge as a standard operating environment for distributed systems development over the past few years. In a short few years it has become embraced by almost every significant vendor in the ecosystem and is going from strength to strength. It is emerging not only as a way to not only solve hard problems deploying and running applications, but is supporting the development of new approaches to building and running applications that power the world.

During this session, Craig McLuckie, one of the Kubernetes founders and CEO of Heptio will look ahead to the coming years and talk about some important trends in the ecosystem that will continue to support and drive the success of the project. We will focus on the emergence of expert operations and talk about how Kubernetes is starting to change the organizations that build and manage distributed systems. This will touch on how SRE values are starting to find their way into modern development teams, what tools are still needed to drive ops maturity and the overall value of this trend to companies adopting cloud native technologies. We will discuss the value of continued focus on modularity and extensibility in the cloud native ecosystem as a way to foster innovation in the ecosystem, and also discuss the the emerging role Kubernetes is playing in the increasingly heterogeneous world of cloud.

About Craig McLuckie
CEO and founder of Heptio, a company built to propagate cloud native computing technologies. Previous Googler and founder of Kubernetes, an Open Source cluster manager.
Join us for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Barcelona May 20 - 23, Shanghai June 24 - 26, and San Diego November 18 - 21! Learn more at The conference features presentations from developers and end users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects.