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From YouTube: Keynote: Service Meshes and Observability - Ben Sigelman, Co-founder & CEO, Lightstep


Keynote: Service Meshes and Observability - Ben Sigelman, Co-founder & CEO, Lightstep

Service mesh technology facilitates the discovery, interconnection, and authentication of microservices. While it’s straightforward to use a service mesh to measure peer performance, actually explaining the behavior of transactions in a microservices deployment requires distributed tracing.

In this keynote, Ben will explain why distributed tracing is important, where the service mesh comes into play, and how OpenTracing makes it all elegant and portable. We will illustrate these concepts with a live, audience-interactive demo, and provide guidance for those who want to add these technologies to their own microservice deployments.

About Ben Sigelman
Ben is a cofounder at LightStep, a company that makes complex microservice applications more transparent and reliable. Previously, Ben spent nine years at Google where he ate lots of snacks and designed several large (~1M-process) distributed systems. The most significant of these were Dapper, an always-on distributed tracing system; and Monarch, a high-availability timeseries collection, storage, and query system.​
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