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From YouTube: Keynote: Pushing the Limits of Kubernetes with Game of Thrones - Zihao Yu & Illya Chekrygin, HBO


Keynote: Pushing the Limits of Kubernetes with Game of Thrones - Zihao Yu & Illya Chekrygin, HBO

Do you want to know what it is like to run 15,000 pods in production? Are you interested in seeing how Kubernetes stands up to the record-breaking viewership and a login rate that is beyond belief on Game of Thrones Season 7 premiere? Come and see things we have done for the Game of Thrones preparation. We will talk about how we provision Kubernetes clusters on AWS, and how we monitor them and microservices that are running on the clusters.

In this talk, we will also go over how HBO Go went from deploying and running microservices on virtual machines in AWS EC2 to running the very same services inside the Kubernetes clusters. We were able to dramatically increase the productivity of our engineering teams and efficiency of resource utilization in the process. It wasn’t always a smooth ride and it wasn’t a one shot deal. Instead, it was a long and at times challenging journey starting from operating a reliable, production-ready Kubernetes cluster in AWS, advancing to gradually deploying select services into Kubernetes clusters, load testing them, and running them in parallel to our current EC2 installations, and finally going live. Come and learn some helpful tips and mistakes we made along the way, which could help your organization embrace the Kubernetes world.

About Illya Chekrygin
Illya has been working on Kubernetes adoption at HBO, which includes cluster provisioning, maintenance, telemetry and service migration. He also drove the containerization of HBO's core streaming services and CI/CD integration for their traditional EC2 deployments. Prior to HBO, Illya was using Kubernetes at Zulily, Inc.

About Zihao Yu
Zihao Yu is a Senior Staff Engineer at HBO, helping HBO GO backend services deploy faster and more reliably. He has contributed to the design and development of several iterations of cloud infrastructure and CICD pipelines for deploying microservices at HBO. He is currently working on the operationalization of Kubernetes, including provision and upgrade automation among other DevOps topics.
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