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From YouTube: Keynote: Red Hat: Making Containers Boring (again) - Clayton Coleman


Keynote: Red Hat: Making Containers Boring (again) - Clayton Coleman, Architect, Kubernetes and OpenShift, Red Hat

By ensuring everything about containers is standardized and boring, we can now focus on the overall Kubernetes experience when it comes to actually running containers. Freeing Kubernetes to just focus on orchestrating containers from now on and setting the stage for exponential growth. We'll take a brief look at how Kubernetes is prepared to explode in usage because the foundation has been solidified. From container standards to customer-resource definitions to pluggable hardware, Kubernetes is ready for broad usage patterns.

About Clayton Coleman
Clayton is architect and engineer on cloud orchestration and
containers at Red Hat, in charge of both technical direction for
Kubernetes and OpenShift (Red Hat's platform as a service built on top of Kubernetes) as well as the broader container and container content efforts at Red Hat. Clayton is one of the top contributors to both Kubernetes and OpenShift and has been involved in many projects in the container, platform-as-a-service, and ci/cd ecosystem over the last four years. He enjoys sleeping, but rarely has time to do it anymore.
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