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From YouTube: The Mechanics of Deploying Envoy at Lyft - Matt Klein, Lyft


The Mechanics of Deploying Envoy at Lyft - Matt Klein, Lyft

The idea of the "service mesh" is becoming very popular in microservice design circles. However, the mechanics of deploying one into an existing infrastructure are far from simple. In this talk we will cover the logistical details of how Envoy was developed and deployed incrementally at Lyft, focusing primarily on the evolution of service mesh configuration management. We will also discuss why high level systems such as Istio are likely to be the main mechanism by which most customers ultimately get access to the technology.

About Matt Klein
Matt Klein is a software engineer at Lyft and the architect of Envoy. Matt has been working on operating systems, virtualization, distributed systems, networking, and making systems easy to operate for 15 years across a variety of companies. Some highlights include leading the development of Twitter’s C++ L7 edge proxy and working on high-performance computing and networking in Amazon’s EC2.
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