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From YouTube: The Makers of Marvels: How Developers Are Rebuilding the Enterprise, One Brick at a Time


The Makers of Marvels: How Developers Are Rebuilding the Enterprise, One Brick at a Time [B] - Abby Kearns, Cloud Foundry Foundation

History teaches us that astonishing feats occur not when a singular leader envisions them, but when a mass of skilled workers collaborates to transform that vision into something material. The Pyramids of Giza, for example, were not built overnight by a Pharaoh, but constructed by tens of thousands of workers over a period of years. Today’s “pyramid” is quite a bit smaller, but a wonder of the world in its own right: The iPhone has transformed the world as we know it -- but most of its power comes from the app store, which offers thousands of apps created from the imaginations of thousands of developers. These developers are the makers of marvels in our time. They instantiate the very concept of digital transformation -- that notion of infrastructure disruption and re-assembly on the mind of every CIO. Business development is driven by software development, and software development is shaped by developers in the open source community.

In her talk, Abby Kearns empowers developers to think of themselves as the doers and makers who hold the key to unlocking digital transformation. She will cover the importance of diversity among developers for the technology industry to evolve and to reflect its user base, and will highlight the key open source concepts and technologies powering this trans-industrial transformation.

About Abby Kearns
With nearly twenty years in the tech world, Abby Kearns is a true veteran of the industry. Her lengthy career has spanned product marketing, product management and consulting across Fortune 500 companies and startups alike. As Executive Director of Cloud Foundry Foundation, Abby helms the ecosystem of developers, users and applications running on Cloud Foundry, and works closely with the Board to drive the Foundation’s vision and grow the open source project. Prior to Cloud Foundry Foundation, Abby focused on Pivotal Cloud Foundry as part of the Product Management team at Pivotal. She spent eight years at Verizon where she led Product Management and Product Marketing teams dedicated to the early days of cloud services. In her free time, Abby enjoys indulging in food and wine, and spending time with her husband and son.
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