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From YouTube: IoK: Istio-on-Kubernetes Deep Dive [I] - Daneyon Hansen, Cisco


IoK: Istio-on-Kubernetes Deep Dive [I] - Daneyon Hansen, Cisco

Running microservices at scale is not easy. Istio is an open platform to connect, manage, and secure microservices. Did I mention that Istio runs on Kubernetes? During the talk I will cover the following content:
- Istio Introduction
- Istio Key Concepts- Traffic Management, Auth, Policy, etc.
- Istio Demonstration
- Istio-on-Kubernetes Roadmap
- Q&A

About Daneyon Hansen
Daneyon is a software engineer at Cisco responsible for developing distributed applications. As part of the Cloud CTO Office, Daneyon focuses on contributing to emerging cloud computing technologies such as Kubernetes, Istio and others.
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