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From YouTube: Istio: Sailing to a Secure Services Mesh [I] - Spike Curtis, Tigera & Dan Berg, IBM


Istio: Sailing to a Secure Services Mesh [I] - Spike Curtis, Tigera & Dan Berg, IBM

Istio is an open platform that provides a uniform way to connect, manage, and secure microservices. In this presentation we describe the security features of the Istio service mesh: how it helps you secure service-to-service communication across clouds without application code changes, provide robust identity and strong authentication, and enforce powerful authorization policies for your applications. We discuss the current project status and look ahead to the roadmap for security features.

About Dan Berg
As a Distinguished Engineer within the IBM Cloud unit, Daniel is responsible for the technical strategy, and implementation of the containers and microservices platform available in IBM Cloud. Within this role, Daniel has deep knowledge of container technologies including Docker and Kubernetes and has extensive experience building and operating highly available cloud-native services. Daniel is also a core contributor to the Istio service mesh project.

About Spike Curtis
Spike Curtis is a lead developer on Istio working for Tigera. He was also a core developer for Calico and worked on the initial integrations with Docker, Kubernetes and Mesos. Spike earned his PhD from the University of Oxford where he worked on quantum computing with ion traps. He has also worked for Silicon Valley start-ups Palantir Technologies and Rigetti Computing.
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